Cover created created by Pierluigi Rauco and Giovanni Simotti for Microforum. Copyright © 2005 of Microforum SPA. In the year 2095, the Swiftness Enterprises has just announced the first championship for airomobile cars. Their drivers, called airbursters, are all strongly motivated and will fight against you to win the championship. Will you become part of history? Airburster3d started as a masterpiece: I've been given a good amount of time to come out with something really different, a console-like quality game. After the experience of Rodent Panic I get back again to java 3d (jsr-184), to build something HUGE. No compromises: 16 different pilots (8 unlockable, 8 locked) to choose from, and tracks with a very specific identity (you won't find reused textures or something like that). I've also put a lot great programming tricks inside the game: the menu is all 3d-made using drawn icons, when the player hits something the screen shakes (with an intensity that depends on the impact), a track is underwater (using a custom refraction algorithm - very impressive), another track has an animated train inside, etc... Danilo Planera has made a very good job modeling all the tracks, and Simone Cecchini has created a different music for each of it: these musics are still one of the bests midis I've ever heard on a mobile game. This I've created just a small portion of the graphics by myself, most of which is about charachter's portraits, which I'm proud of: 16 different charachters highly charachterized are maybe even too many for a race game. As usual, some of the pilots are a comeback from my earlier games: it has been fun redrawing them again after a couple of years :) The only things I complain about are: more tracks (I though about 6 tracks, but we had to fallback to 4 due to JAR size restrictions), a better texture usage, a more catchy menu, a better track design, a better cover (the charachters I've drawn for the cover sucks - while their in-game counterparts portraits rock... :(, but even this way AirBurster 3d is a great and impressive game, really worth to take a look at. The game AirBurster 3d is Copyright © 2005 of Microforum SPA. The Microforum logo is a registered trademark of Microforum SPA. All rights reserved. |